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Origins of Our Faith is an historic look back to the Hebrew roots of Christianity. Rick Richardson explains how and why a small group of Jewish "believers" were transformed into the most influential religious movement in history, and how returning to the origins of our faith is the only way for us to reach our destiny.

Origins of Our Faith
(The Hebrew Roots of Christianity)

by Rick Richardson                        

Warning: This book may cause a paradigm shift. It turns Christianity upside down and gives new meaning to our faith, purpose and future by exploring Christianity's Hebrew roots.

What People Are Saying
about "Origins of Our Faith"

Rick’s concise yet simple teaching on our Jewish Roots is just what I've been looking for. God is sooooooo Good. He sends just what we need at the right time. I will spread the word on "Origins of our Faith" to all I know.   RS

WOW!!!! As the old saying goes ," You can never stop learning"....this is  an awesome study, book and lessons to learn from. Rick is an awesome speaker and very down to earth---his DVD's are very easy to follow and very easy to get information from.   KT

Even the more controversial topics (and believe me, they are) are solidly covered and shown in a historical light you may not have known was even possible.  JB

The content of the book is interesting and worth the read. Thought provoking!   CV

I couldn't put it down.  WTW

           Rick Richardson

Read On-Line

We didn't know where we were going at first but now there is no turning back. We have found that the Hebraic lifestyle/belief is so much richer than the Christian lifestyle or belief. We feel like we have just begun our walk with God and seem to be discovering truths that were never taught in church.   KR

The book is easy to read, simple to check against Scripture and provides profound insight free of a personal agenda that is not always found in current publications. The book is certainly worth the time.   SS

"Fascinating and Important!"... 
"You may not agree with all of Richardson's arguments and observations, but they merit serious consideration." 

Michael Medved
Nationally Syndicated
Talk Show Host


"Insightful and Helpful"...
I must say that I really have found much of what you are saying to be quite on target. Some material you have clarified has even been helpful to me in my correspondence with several Christians who have demonstrated animosity towards Judaism...I have used some of your insights to give them perspective.

Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Temple Institute
and The Sanhedrin
Jerusalem, Israel

"Beautiful Concise Writing"...
"Rick Richardson expresses well thought out convictions. He proves that to grasp the dynamics of the present we need to reexamine the past. At Sinai and in the desert, Moses was the agent to build a people into a holy nation... Now enters Rick Richardson to bring sanity to confused doctrines"

Rabbi Avraham Feld
Director of the Maccabee Institute
Jerusalem, Israel

"Wonderful Discovery"... 
"Origins of Our Faith is a beautifully researched and articulately delivered work." 

Eric Slocum
KOMO TV/Radio Seattle


"One of the most helpful books out there for those being drawn toward the Ancient Paths."

Dr. James Tabor
Chair of Religious Studies
University of North Carolina

Origins of Our Faith ~  P.O. Box 111  Auburn, WA 98071  ~  (253) 569-6228  ~